Where stories of science and society come to life

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team

Feature podcast made for Leiden University with funding from the Netherlands Science Council. Now on 365 Days of Astronomy.

“This podcast illustrates that astronomy, besides being an exciting and inspirational area of fundamental research, can also contribute uniquely to international development, global education and bridge-building diplomacy, with the Dutch astronomical community playing a leading role in such activities.” - George Miley

What We Offer

  • Podcasts

    Seamlessly woven narration and conversation, music and sounds. Podcasts can be so much more than background noise; they can be an experience.

  • Planetarium Shows

    Chasing true immersion through 360° of visual excellence and storylines that are out of this world.

  • Writing

    In the beginning was the word - not strictly true. In the beginning was the Big Bang, the word arrived around 13.8 billion years later. But good writing can create new Universes of thought, let’s create them together.

“the universe is the most epic story that ever can or will be told. There are dramatic plot lines unfolding on every scale - from bacteria to galaxies - And I want to give those stories the attention they deserve.”

– Callum Griffiths